New Covid Vaccine Endorsed for Fall

A committee of advisers to the Food and Drug Administration voted on Wednesday to update the formula for the Covid vaccine ahead of an anticipated fall immunization campaign, now an annual step to try to offer better protection against versions of the virus in circulation. The unanimous vote by the 16 advisers recommends a formula … Read more

New Report Underscores the Seriousness of Long Covid

One of the nation’s premier medical advisory organizations has weighed in on long-term COVID-19 with a 265-page report that recognizes the seriousness and persistence of the condition for millions of Americans. More than four years since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, Covid continues to damage many people’s ability to function, according to the National … Read more

At the Tribeca Festival, Vision and Vibe

Early in the animated film “Boys Go to Jupiter,” premiering at this year’s Tribeca Festival, an indie electronic beat kicks in. Like a music video rendered on Kid Pix, the sequence that follows finds the mulleted Rosebud (voiced by the singer Miya Folick) tending to neon citrus trees while crooning a melody as catchy as … Read more

What Is MDMA Therapy for PTSD? And What Are Its Risks?

The Food and Drug Administration is weighing whether to approve the use of MDMA, also known as Ecstasy, for treatment of post-traumatic stress disorder. But the agency’s independent advisory panel of experts reviewed studies on June 4, and overwhelmingly decided against endorsing the treatment. Although not required, the F.D.A. often follows the recommendations of its … Read more